What is Java programming | Java programming history | Types of Java program | Introduction of Java - Online Help - online help

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

What is Java programming | Java programming history | Types of Java program | Introduction of Java - Online Help

History of Java Programming:

Java programming is a platform-independent and pure object-oriented multi-threaded programming language.Java was developed by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton of sun microsystem, the USA in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working version. This language was initially called 'Oak' and it was renamed as 'Java' in 1995. Many more people contributed to the design and evolution of the language. Bill Joy, Arthur Van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, frank vellin and Tim Lindholm were key contributors to the maturing of the original prototype.

it was designed to be small, simple, and portable across both platforms as well as the operating system at the source and binary level. Because of its simplicity and platform-independent, it had been developed with the main objective of making the programming for the internet faster and easier. This language has a great future due to its four distinct features, namely object-oriented, platform-independent, internet support and security. The java programs developed exclusively for the internet, which is well known as 'applet' can now be effortlessly distributed to many users over the internet.

Introduction of Java programming:

-Java is a pure general-purpose object-oriented language.

-It is a platform-independent language(which was not dependent on any particular hardware or operating system.

-Java is compiled and interpreted language.

-Its compiler translates a source program into an intermediate code called bytecode. This code could not be used by the computer. These intermediate codes are called the Java virtual machine.

-Java interpreter produces the machine-dependent code called machine code and could be run by the computer.

Types of Java Program:

Java program has two types. They are:
  • An application program(stand-alone application)
  • Applets program

Application program/Stand-alone application:

Stand-alone applications are those programs that can be developed and executed on a stand-alone local computer (which can be executed from command prompt). The stand-alone application can be executed without browsers. A java program is not embedded within HTML or any other language and can be used on its own. It is referred to as an Application program.

Applet Program:

Applet programs are small java program developed for internet applications. Applets are embedded in the HTML document. Applet programs can be run using the applet viewer or web browser. For example, when you use Java to enhance the www page, the java code is embedded within HTML code. It is called an applet.

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