Features of Java Programming | Characteristic of Java Programming - Online Help - online help

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Features of Java Programming | Characteristic of Java Programming - Online Help

Features of Java Programming:

Let's discuss the features of java programming

The fundamental forces that necessitated the intention of java are portable and security, other factors also played an important role in molding the final form of the languages. The various features of Java programming are as follow:





5.compiled and interpreted




9.High performance




Java was designed to be easy to learn and use effectively.Java is a simple object-oriented language. It is a small language, we can write software that can run on a small local computer. Programming in Java is easier than c++. Because Java does not support pointers, header files, and operator overloading, most of the java's syntax is adapted from c++. Programmers who are familiar with that language will have a much easier time for learning java program.


Java was not designed to be source-code compatible with any other language. This allowed java team the freedom to design with a blank slate. One outcome of this way is a clean, usable, pragmatic approach to objects.Java is a pure general purpose object-oriented language. At runtime, a program creates objects from classes, Programming(OOP) is a powerful way of organizing and developing software. The short description of OOP is that it organizes a program as a set of components called Objects. These objects exist independently of each other, and they have rules for communicating with other objects, and for telling those objects to do things.Java inherits its object-oriented concept from c++ and other languages as Smalltalk.


The ability to create robust programs was given a high priority in the design of java. To gain reliability, java restricts you in a few key areas, to force you to find mistakes early in program development. At the same time, java frees you from having to worry about many of the most common causes of programming errors. because java interpreter checks all system access performed within a program, Java programs cannot crash the system. Instead, when a serious error is discovered, java programs creates an exception. This exception can be captured and managed by the program without any risk of bringing down the system.


The single most important aspect of Java is Security. As you are likely aware, every time that you download a normal program, you are risking a viral infection. Prior to Java, most users did not download executable programs frequently and those who did scan them for viruses prior to execution. This type of program can gather private information, such as credit card numbers, bank account balances and passwords by searching the content of your computer's local file system.Java answers both of these concerns by providing a firewall between networked applications and your computer. It is highly secure. The java interpreter verifies the bytecode before executing it. If bytecode runs out to be invalid, it will not be executed at all.Java does not allow programmers to interact with the memory of the system. i.e. one cannot write a java code that accesses the memory of the system.

Compiled and interpreted:

Java is a compiled and interpreted language.Java enables the creation of cross-platform programs by compiling into an intermediate representation called Java bytecode. Before you can run a program written in the Java language, the program must be compiled by the java compiler and then interpreted. This is made possible by its Java virtual machine. The Java virtual machine converts the intermediate bytecode into machine code.

READSeparators in java


Java is portable language.java compiler generates a code called bytecode and this code can be used by any machine. The size of the basic data type in Java is compatible with all the system making the java program highly portable.


Java was designed to meet the real-world requirement of creating interactive networked programs. To accomplish this, Java supports multithreaded programming, which allows us to write programs that do many things simultaneously. Multithreading means handling several tasks simultaneously. Without multithreading, only one line of execution takes place at a time. In a multi-threaded environment, we need not wait for an application to finish one task before starting another.

Architectural Neutral:

As we now that java is not dependent on the architecture of a particular machine.Java program can be run on a variety of CPUs and operating systems.

High performance:

Since java interpreter uses bytecodes, the java source code is first compiled and then interpreted.so the java program is executed very fast.


Java is a dynamic language.it is capable of linking libraries, functions, methods as well as objects link in a new class library, methods, and objects.


Java is designed for the distributed environment of the internet because it handles TCP/IP protocols. In fact, accessing a resource using a URL is not much different from accessing a file. The original version of Java(Oak) included features for intra-address-space messaging. This allowed objects on two different computers to execute procedures remotely.Java has recently reviewed these interfaces in a package called Remote Method Invocation(RMI). This feature brings an unparalleled level of abstraction to client/server programming.

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