Structure of HTML document | General Form of HTML - Online Help - online help

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Structure of HTML document | General Form of HTML - Online Help

Hello readers, welcome to this page. Let's discuss the structure of the HTML document.

So guys, what is structure of the HTML document?

As we know every document having its own structure. Likewise, HTML is also having its own structure. The HTML document has two parts. The HEAD, and the BODY. These parts are contained within the HTML element -it simply denotes that, it is HTML documents.

An HTML file can be created by using a simple text editor viz notepad, WordPad, edit plus,etc., and the file must be saved with an extension .htm or .html.

READ: Advantages and disadvantage of HTML

Structure of HTML document:

structure of html document

So the explanation of these markup tags is:


All the HTML documents must begin with opening tag <html> and closing tag </html>.

Head section

The head section is used to display the title of the HTML document. This section is also having both the opening tag <head> and ending with </head>.


Now what is the use of <title> tags

The title of the HTML document is defined with the tags. This will display the title in the title bar of the window. 

Body section

So what is the body section?

The body section contains the information that we want to display on the webpage. This section begins with <body> and ends with </body>.

Sample coding:



<title>Welcome Readers</title>



hello readers, welcome to my blog




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