HTML Tags | What is HTML Tags? | How we can use HTML Tags? - Online Help - online help

Friday, 26 July 2019

HTML Tags | What is HTML Tags? | How we can use HTML Tags? - Online Help

So, guys what is HTML Tags? Let's discuss HTML Tags.HTML Markup tags are usually called HTML Tags.HTML Tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets<>.For example <html>.It is normally comes in pairs like<b> and </b>.The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag.it is also called as opening and closing tags.

Tags are used to represent various elements of a web page like header, footer, title, images, etc. Tags are of two types:
  • paired tags
  • singular tags

Paired tags:

Paired Tags are also called as container tag.it always comes in the pair. Paired tags which have both opening and closing i.e.<tag> and </tag>.These tags activate an effect and have a companion tag to close or discontinue the effect. For example,

<B> tag starts a bold effect for the text and its companion tag ends the bold effect.

Singular tags:

singular tags are also called empty tags. these tags contain only opening tag and it doesn't have the ending tag i.e <tag>. For example,

<HR> tag which is used to draw horizontal rule across the width of the document, and <BR> tags which are used to break the line of the document.so, These are the empty tags.

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