What is Style Sheet Property | Style Sheet Properties in CSS - Online Help - online help

Friday, 26 October 2018

What is Style Sheet Property | Style Sheet Properties in CSS - Online Help

Style sheet property:

let's discuss the style sheet property. CSS includes 60 different properties in seven categories: fonts, lists, alignment of the text, margin, colors, backgrounds, and borders. Property values can appear in a variety of forms.

  •  'property values' keyword are used when they are only a few possible values and they are predefined.
  • A number value can be either an integer or a sequence of digits with a decimal point and can be preceded by a sign(+ or -).
  • Length values are specified as numerical values that are followed immediately by a two-character abbreviation of a unit name.Therefore the possible unit name are px ,for pixels;in,for inches;cm,for centimeters,mm,for millimeter;pt,for points.
  • Percentage values are used to provide a measure that is relative to the previously used measure for a property value. Percentage values or numbers that are followed immediately by a percentage sign(%).Therefore percentage values can be signed. If preceded by a +, the percentage is added to the previous value; if negative, the percentage is subtracted.
  • There can be no space between the URL and the left parenthesis.
  • Color property values can be specified as a color name, as a 6-digit hexadecimal number, or in RGB form. The RGB form is just the word RGB followed by a parenthesized list of three numbers that specify the levels of red, green and blue respectively. The RGB values can be given either as a decimal between 0 and 255 or as percentages. The hexadecimal number must be preceded with pound signs(#) as in #43AF00.

This is the brief introduction of some style properties. Insha Allah, we will see all the properties in detail in my next posts.

Also read: Adding styles to HTML document

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